The best fresh pink roses are used to make this delectable Gulkand, bringing out the true richness and perfume of rose petals. Gulkand is full of antioxidants and works wonders on the body, hair, and skin. Its chilly feeling makes the mouth feel fresh. Gulkand can assist to lessen acidity and stomach heat when consumed in amounts of 1-2 teaspoons. Additionally, it aids in the treatment of ulcers and lessens gut swelling.
Gullmor Natural Gulkand
This is a Vegetarian product.
- COMPLETELY NATURAL: There are no preservatives, artificial flavours, artificial colours, or ingredients you don't recognize. It's ready to eat right out of the jar!
- INDIAN DAMASK ROSE COOKED IN THE SUN: Our Organic, Ayurvedic Gulkand is created with fresh pink rose. These roses are sun-cooked with natural Rock Sugar . This traditional Ayurvedic process of making our rose petal jam helps retain the natural aroma, taste and nutritional benefit of the roses.
- GULKAND IS A DIGESTIVE TONIC: Gulkand is an ancient Indian digestive tonic that aids in the improvement of appetite and the correction of digestive issues. May aid in the reduction of acidity. It helps to strengthen the intestines and increase the health of the gut flora. Because Gulkand is high in antioxidants, it may help with ulcers. You may make a rose sherbet out of it by mixing it with milk, or just eat it plain. You can also use gulkand to give your sweets, such as cupcakes or barfi,
- GULKAND IS A NATURAL COOLING AGENT: Gulkand is a natural cooling agent that can help with heat-related issues like weariness, mental stress, lethargy, pains, muscle discomfort, and stomach heat. It also helps to relieve burning sensations in the soles and palms, making it a great cooling tonic for your body, especially during the hot summer months! It can also relax the neurological system, lowering stress levels and acting as an energy booster